FriKulturEvents — Ny epostliste

Ny epostliste for å annonsere/informere om arrangementer som har noe å gjøre med fri kultur, i Norge generelt og Oslo-området spesielt. Åpen for alle interesserte.
Siden dette er en liste kun for annonseringer, og ikke for diskusjon, vil antallet postinger til listen være lavt (men forhåpentligvis noenlunde regelmessig).

This is a low volume announcement list for events related to free culture, including related topics such as open innovation, free/open source software, social entrepreneurship, access to knowledge, new business and distribution models for digital content and gift economies. Event invitations will be in Norwegian or English (or both!). Events may be local events, or big conferences in other parts of the world. Events are not limited to the Creative Commons organization, only by topic (see above), and (partly) by geography (smaller events should be local). (This also means you can announce your event here, when relevant!)

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