Foredrag 17 september 2018 i Oslo - State of the Commons and the Global Open Education Opportunity

Cable Green fra Creative Commons kommer til Oslo for å holde foredrag om "State of the Commons and the Global Open Education Opportunity"

Cable Green er Director of Open Education for Creative Commons globalt og en utrolig inspirerende foredragsholder. Dette foredraget arrangeres i samarbeid med Norwegian UNIX User Group.

Tidspunkt: 17 september kl. 19:00 i Oslo sentrum.

Sted: Universitetet i Oslo, Ole Johan Dahls hus.

Veibeskrivelse til Ole Johan Dahls hus med kart:

Auditoriet SmallTalk er i 1. etasje, til høyre for hovedinngangen
rett ved resepsjonen.

Abstract: The Internet, increasingly affordable mobile devices, open licensing, open access journals and open educational resources provide the foundation for a world in which universal access to education is possible. Governments are supporting this shift with a move toward open policies: requiring public access to publicly funded resources. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide an opportunity to think about learning as solving global grand challenges. Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Education at Creative Commons (CC), will provide an overview of the Commons, current CC projects, and discuss specific examples where institutions and governments have moved the default on practice, culture and funding from "closed" to "open."

Oranisert som et samarbeid mellom NDLA og Nuug,